Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Final Project Proposal
Monday, November 15, 2010
Internet Safety
OnGuardOnline helps inform people how to protect their identity online and deals with issues such as texting and cyber bullying. Since online has become such a large part of our lives, it is important that we are aware of such dangers and teach our children how to be safe while online.
After my research, I called my sister Hayley to talk to her about internet safety and what I had learned. She is soon to be a mother and so I thought it important that she thinks about how she will protect her daughter against technology early on. When I shared what I had learn with her, she knew a lot of it but found had never thought about the fact that with some one's birthday and name, a person can look up one's Social Security Number. But she's very careful about not posting personal information such as phone numbers and addresses. She also is careful that she doesn't change her personality online, because she recognizes that it's easy to act differently while online. She likes to make sure she presents herself on how she'd want her grandmother or boss to veiw her. She seems to be smart about how she uses technology in her life, and so I asked her what her plan is for teaching her child how to be safe online. She thinks it's smart to just inform them of dangers of the dangers of posting personal information online, explaining to them the logic of it without scaring them. For example, you wouldn't give your phone number to a stranger on the street, so don't post it online where anyone can see it. Once you've taught them these good principles of safety it's important that you also monitor your child when online.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Teach with Technology
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Dancing Disney Family Gal
DISNEY- It could be because I worked there this past summer, or because I know every word to all the animated classics, or that I'm considered to be an absolute Disney nut, but it is so much more than some little quirk of mine. It symbolizes my love of simplicity and child-like love of life. I love to stop and enjoy the small joys in life. The simple things like toes in the sand, the texture of ice cream, leaving notes for friends, and looking at the sparkle of a light up Christmas tree are often what bring me the greatest joy. I think it is an absolute tragedy when people decide they are too old, too busy, or too mature to snitch cookie dough from the bowl, or to giggle, or to do a silly dance in the rain. Life is to be enjoyed and if we don't take the time to enjoy the simple little wonders in our world, we will miss them completely. This is who I am, my personality, and my identity.
You will notice that these three items that seem to represent my identity are somewhat connected. That is because they are! They, along with several other aspects, all play a role in my life and they work together to make up who I am.